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St. Baldricks Irish Festival in the City of Rochester

Saturday March 16, 2024 3:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Downtown RochesterFourth Street, West of MainRochester MI 48306
Google Map


It's Official. This year's event will take place on March 16th & 17th, with a 2 day St. Baldrick's Irish Festival in the City of Rochester.


Registration is open. You can sign up to shave, volunteer and donate, we will keep everyone updated as we get closer to the event. If you want to shave on the 17th, please reach out and let us know, primary shaving day is on Saturday.

What started as a challenge in Manhattan between colleagues has grown into the largest source of grants for childhood specific cancer research. Help us celebrate 25 years of the St. Baldricks Foundation and 17 years of events here in Metro-Detroit. They started in Walled Lake, then Mount Clemens, then Village of Romeo, Armada, Shelby Twp and celebrating our 2nd year back in the City of Rochester.

Over those 17 years we have raised a total of $3 million for the St. Baldrick’s Foundation at our events across Macomb and Oakland Counties. .

We invited one of the St. Baldrick's grant recipients from Children's Hospital Detroit to be a guest speaker.

We will have live entertainment from Gerard Smith, Eastside Elvis & the Motor City Mafia, The Killer Flamingos, along with legendary Detroit DJ powdrblu.

501st Legion with be there in their movie quality Star Wars Costumes, Detroit Fight Club will be there in medieval armor for some great photo opportunities. DFC will also have some armor on hand for anyone that wants to donate to get the full armor experience. If you’re being knighted this year, expect it to be super fun.

Rochester Soccer Club will be hosting a Lightening Soccer Shootout for the kids, with free prizes. There will also be face painters and other activities for kids.

Don Armando’s Taco Truck and Bourbon Street Hibachi will be serving food.

A great line of fine liquors and beers will be available.

The event is free for the whole family, just come out and buy some great food, drinks and make a donation.

Sunday we will continue with St. Patrick's Day in Rochester, looking for some shavees for Sunday.

Join us to have some fun – and be a hero for kids with cancer!

You don't even have to shave your head this year, there are tons of ways to volunteer and be a hero.

Children, teens and even infants are diagnosed with cancer every day, but donations are drastically down for research to find cures. We can change that – and save lives!

Our event will speed the search for cures, supporting the largest charity funder of childhood cancer research grants. Research is hope, and you can give kids that hope.

Sign up to shave your head or to raise money another way. Can’t join us? Please make a generous donation to give kids the long, healthy lives they deserve.

We  do this in honor  of kids like Kate Hrischuk,  who lost her courageous battle with an intrinsic brain stem glioma in early 2007.. She was 6 years old. 



Bands to be officially announced soon, but so far we have:

Gerard Smith back for the 18th time

Eastside Elvis and the Motor City Mafia

Leaving Lifted

The Killer Flamingos

More to be announced.


Student Shavee Contest

Sign up to shave and you could win a Playstation 5

Have fun. Raise money. Help cure childhood cancer.

Sign up today right here by clicking on the join button.

All students from Rochester Community Schools who sign up are eligible to win.

The rules are very simple, for each $50 dollars raised, the student will be awarded an “entry” to win the PS5. The more the student raises, the more chances to win.

Raise $100 and get 2 chances. Raise $200, get 4 chances, etc!

Help Kids with Cancer and you could be a hero and win!

• Only active registered Rochester students are eligible

• Student must join a school team

• School teams can be created by volunteers if the do not exist

 - Use proper name for school teams, example: "Wilson Middle School"

• Only on-line totals will be used in this contest

• Deadline for on-line totals will be Saturday, March 16 at 2pm

• Winner will be announced Saturday, March 16, 2024 at 5pm on our website

Playstation 5 donated by The Roxy in Rochester & Rochester Corner Bar

Student Shavee Contest will take place at the 

City of Rochester St. Baldrick’s Festival

March 16, 2024, 3-8pm

Step 1: Sign up, join or create a team (join us button on this page). 

Step 2: Set a fundraising goal. Post a before photo.

Step 3: Share your page with friends and family to donate online directly to your page.

Then plan to join us on Saturday March 16th.


If your business wants to sponsor the event, please reach out to us at mistbaldricks@gmail.com for an info packet.

Thank you to:

Bordines for donating a gift card.

Thank you to The Royal Park Hotel for a special discount rate during the Festival:


2024 event launched on Sept 3, 2023.

Link to the 2023 event in City of Rochester: https://www.stbaldricks.org/events/CORSB23


Bowling for Baldrick's has passed and it was a Blast!

Thank you to Dean Elliot and the Crew at Bowlero Lanes & Lounge for hosting a fun pre-event.

Saturday, Feb 24, 3-8pm at Bowlero Lanes & Lounge

Admission is free, donations are welcome

We will not be shaving heads at this event, but there will be fun contests and raffles.

If you would like to reserve a VIP lane, book online.

Fun history, there was a St. Baldrick's event hosted at Gus O'Connoer's Public House in Rochester on March 18, 2006 and another at their Novi location back on May 20, 2006. They were prequels to the Walled Lake and Mount Clemens events that got us started in 2008. Michigan has hosted 325 events since 2003, shaving 11,716 heads and raised $8,370,691 in total, we are the GREAT Lake State!



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